Tag Archives: Cybersecurity

From Data to Division 5 of 5: Artificial intelligence – by Daniele M. Barone

The Half-Measure of Human-Grounded AI Ethics. Within the context outlined thus far, as argued by Coeckelbergh and Sætra, the debate carried on by LLMs ongoing development seems to be between two main point of view: the Marxist concept of “technological determinism” and the “technological instrumentalism” or “technical orthodoxy”.

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Guerra cibernetica e guerra russo-ucraina: la disinformazione. Conferenza on line il 16 marzo 2023 – 10:00

Guerra cibernetica e guerra russo-ucraina: la disinformazione.

Conferenza on line il 16 marzo 2023 ore 10:00 con la partecipazione del Generale Alexander Potity del SSSCIP-State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine e Head of the Department of Security of Information Systems and Technologies. Place: MS Teams platform: https://tiny.pl/wkbg5 Continue reading


Social bots and synthetic interactions to stage digital extremist armies (part 3) – by Daniele M. Barone

According to a report by GNET, while Daesh (and jihadist groups in general) relied heavily on bot technology, racially and ethnically motivated violent extremist networks have so far refrained from widespread bot usage, mostly because of their different objectives and the more permissive online environment in which they operate.[i]  Nevertheless, far-right or conspiracy groups’ use of social bots can still highlight further communication branches in which AI can be exploited. Continue reading


Belarusian Cyber-Partisans e il Ransomware come strumento di guerra ibrida – by Marco Zaliani

Il 2022 è iniziato con un riacutizzarsi delle tensioni tra Russia e Ucraina. Tensioni iniziate nel 2014 con l’annessione della Crimea da parte della Russia e che, in questi giorni, stanno vivendo un nuovo impeto a seguito dell’ammassarsi di truppe russe proprio al confine tra i due stati. Continue reading