Category Archives: Security

Southport stabbings and riots in the UK: Comments from a security perspective – by Maria Chr. Alvanou

On Monday 29th of July a knife rampage described as a “horror movie” took place in Southport, UK, during a Taylor Swift-themed dance class resulting in three little girls stabbed to death and eight others injured. The perpetrator was a 17-year-old boy arrested at the scene, and his motivations seem irrelevant to terrorism.

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Paris Olympic security threats: Why the Islamist terror network and Hamas matter – by Maria Alvanou

The world’s eyes in about a month will be on France hosting the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Major athletic events should always be considered a possible target for terrorists and a challenge for law enforcement authorities that have to safeguard security, making sure at the same time that people can enjoy participating with a festive spirit.

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La nuova strategia di Mosca in Libia: arrivano gli Afrika Corps – A. Bolpagni & G. Porrino

Mentre gli occhi del mondo sono concentrati sulla guerra in Ucraina e sul conflitto tra Israele e Hamas, la Russia sta riconsolidando la propria presenza in Libia, ponendo un’ulteriore minaccia al fianco sud della NATO. Nonostante la disfatta dell’alleato Generale K. Haftar nella battaglia di Tripoli nel 2020, la presenza russa è rimasta ben consolidata in relazione al più ampio progetto geopolitico di proiezione di potenza nel Sahel e nell’Africa sub-Sahariana.

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Caos Ecuador: dalle pandillas di strada al narco-terrorismo – by Giovanni Giacalone

Nella serata del 9 gennaio l’Ecuador è piombato nel caos con le pandillas (bande di strada) che hanno attaccato con una violenza inaudita obiettivi istituzionali e civili come stazioni di polizia, pattuglie, ospedali, università, emittenti televisive, distributori di benzina. Colpi di arma da fuoco sono stati sparati indiscriminatamente contro agenti e civili e numerose auto sono state date alle fiamme.

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Reorganization through Confederation: how Putin is exploiting the PMC Wagner model – by G. Porrino, A. Bolpagni, F. Borgonovo

Despite the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin on 23 August, PMC Wagner continued to operate in the African and Middle Eastern theatre, except for the troops that were engaged in Ukraine and are now stationed in Belarus. In recent months, however, the Ministry of Defence has undertaken a plan to restructure the PMC Wagner network, preserving its tactical-operational assets and the benefits derived.

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Islamic State Blitzkrieg Propaganda – by F. Borgonovo, G. Porrino & S.R. Lucini

The recent Hamas attack has brought the Israeli-Palestinian conflict back into the international spotlight, and this has awakened the communication of the main jihadist groups. With al-Qa’ida supporting Hamas and its actions, a statement on the attack by the Islamic State was expected. On 20th October, through the publication of the 413th issue of al-Naba, an official newspaper issued by the Central Media Office of the Islamic State, IS expressed its position.

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