Il 31 dicembre 2024, Mohamed Baari Shire, giovane Vicepresidente del Parlamento del Puntland, è stato bersaglio di un attacco complesso condotto dai militanti affiliati all’ISIS. L’operazione, che comprendeva esplosioni suicide e assalti armati, è stata respinta con successo dalle Forze di Sicurezza del Puntland. Sebbene l’attentato non abbia raggiunto il suo obiettivo primario, ha confermato la portata e l’organizzazione della minaccia jihadista nella regione.
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From Data to Division 4 of 5: Artificial intelligence – by Daniele M. Barone
Mimicking a Moral Course for LLMs. The first way to stem LLMs from a conversation driving to inappropriate content are the so-called “guardrail messages,” as “I’m sorry, I cannot generate inappropriate or offensive content” or “As a large language model, I cannot … ”.
Continue readingSparatoria Abundant Life Christian School e il Manifesto di Samantha – by A. Pugnana & A. Bolpagni
Lunedì 16 dicembre 2024, la quindicenne Natalie Rupnow – conosciuta con lo pseudonimo Samantha – ha commesso una sparatoria presso la Abundant Life Christian School a Madison (Wisconsin, Stati Uniti d’America), uccidendo una compagna di scuola, un insegnante e ferendo sei ragazzi, prima di togliersi la vita.
Continue readingAttacks against Israelis in Amsterdam: security and counterterrorism perspectives – by Maria Chr.Alvanou
The spillover in the West of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict after the October 7th 2023 attack by Hamas against Israel has been the subject of much discussion by terrorism and extremism experts[1].
Continue readingTargeted killings by Israel: Terrorise the terrorists – by Maria Alvanou
In the early 60s in Greece, during turbulent and violent political times, the iconic political figure George Papandreou, known in history as the “Elder of Democracy” uttered the phrase: “terrorize terrorists”. The phrase indicated the way to react against those causing fear in society with forms of political violence.
Continue readingSPOTREP: The sabotage campaign in Lebanon. The weaponization of dual-use tools – by Emilio Palmieri
In the afternoon of September 17, 2024, hundreds of pagers used by individuals linked to the Iranian proxy armed group Hezbollah simultaneously exploded in several cities in Lebanon.
Continue readingI Tuareg non sono jihadisti – by Marco Lombardi
In questi giorni si parla molto del sostegno dell’Ucraina e della Francia ai gruppi jihadisti in Mali e dintorni. Diversi quotidiani italiani hanno rilanciato queste narrative.
Continue readingSouthport stabbings and riots in the UK: Comments from a security perspective – by Maria Chr. Alvanou
On Monday 29th of July a knife rampage described as a “horror movie” took place in Southport, UK, during a Taylor Swift-themed dance class resulting in three little girls stabbed to death and eight others injured. The perpetrator was a 17-year-old boy arrested at the scene, and his motivations seem irrelevant to terrorism.
Continue readingIsraele decapita in poche ore Hamas e Hezbollah e umilia le difese iraniane. Ora si attende la reazione di Teheran – by Giovanni Giacalone
La macchina militare israeliana si è messa in moto e stavolta i colpi inflitti sono durissimi. In meno di 72 ore l’IDF ha eliminato a Beirut il numero due di Hezbollah, Fuad Shukr e a Teheran il leader del bureau politico di Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh.
Continue readingThe Attack Against Donald Trump: Hate Narratives, the Shooter, and Security Gaps – by Maria Chr. Alvanou
The attack against President Trump has brought to the surface once again the issue of political assassinations. The United States of America is not immune as a country to such events in its political history.
Continue readingParis Olympic security threats: Why the Islamist terror network and Hamas matter – by Maria Alvanou
The world’s eyes in about a month will be on France hosting the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Major athletic events should always be considered a possible target for terrorists and a challenge for law enforcement authorities that have to safeguard security, making sure at the same time that people can enjoy participating with a festive spirit.
Continue readingLa nuova strategia di Mosca in Libia: arrivano gli Afrika Corps – A. Bolpagni & G. Porrino
Mentre gli occhi del mondo sono concentrati sulla guerra in Ucraina e sul conflitto tra Israele e Hamas, la Russia sta riconsolidando la propria presenza in Libia, ponendo un’ulteriore minaccia al fianco sud della NATO. Nonostante la disfatta dell’alleato Generale K. Haftar nella battaglia di Tripoli nel 2020, la presenza russa è rimasta ben consolidata in relazione al più ampio progetto geopolitico di proiezione di potenza nel Sahel e nell’Africa sub-Sahariana.
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