What is Hidden Behind the Idea of the Caucasian Emirate? – by Tamara Pkhakadze

Caucasian Emirate was created on October 31, 2007 by the former president of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, Doku Umarov. He abolished the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria and its presidency, and turned Ichkeria into one of the provinces of the Caucasian Emirate. Besides the province of Chechnya, the Caucasian Emirate is composed of the following (Wilayahs), provinces: Igushetia, Dagestan, Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay Cherkessia, Stavropol Krai, inhabited by the Nogay people.

Doku Umarov declared himself as the Emir of the Caucasian Emirate. Furthermore, he announced U.S, U.K, Israel and all other infidels, as the enemies of Allah and the Caucasian Emirate. According to Doku Umarov, the idea behind the creation of the Caucasian Emirate is that, all the above mentioned “provinces” have deviated themselves from the
true Islam (with its governmental structures, presidential and parliamentary republics and the way of life). There was an urgent necessity to establish the Islamic state
,based on the Sharia law, with Amir, being the only source of power.
Russian International Relations’ experts, such as Pozner and Ganapolski, express serious doubts about the sincerity of the Umarov’s statement. The IR experts’ doubts find their backing in the previous statements of Doku Umaorv. One year ago, Umarov was calling Russia as the only enemy of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria and was asking the Western countries, (now infidels), like U.S and U.K for the assistance in the war with Russia. Furthermore, Doku Umarov never considered himself (until 2007), as the radical Muslim. In his previous interviews, Umarov was always stressing the fact that, he was a true freedom fighter for his country and his only aim was to see Chechnya as an independent state, free form the Russian occupation. Umarov even stated that, he didn’t even know how to pray properly five times a day.

What or who made Doky Umarov be changed so drastically?
According to the two most authoritative Russian newspapers (Novaia Gazeta and Kamsamolskaia Pravda), the whole idea of the Caucasian Emirate is the evil trick of
the Russian Federation. Umarov is just a “puppet”, who has been following the well thought plan of Russia.

The natural question arises, what would Russia gain from having a radical, Islamic Caucasian Emirate on its territory? The answer is made of two parts, first abolishment of the independent status of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria and second linking Chechen freedom fighters with terrorists.

Abolishment of the of the independent status of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria After the two brutal, Russia-Chechnya wars, it is considered that, finally peace has been established, the referendum has been held in Chechnya, where the “Chechen people” have expressed their will to remain under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. It should be noticed that, most of the true Chechens are either in exile, hiding in the Caucasian mountains or have been murdered. The Chechens leaving now in Chechnya are either half Russians, purely Russians or have always been pro Russians. Obviously, the Chechens that are in exile and are hiding in the mountains were not allowed to take part in the referendum and no surprise that it ended with this fatal  result.  After  the  referendum,  former  president  of  the  Russian  Federation, Vladimir Putin  appointed his close friend, Akhmad Kadyrov as  the president of Chechnya, but soon he was assassinated. Kadyrov was succeeded by his son, Ramzan Kadyrov, who is well known for his violent actions in Chechnya. The “true” Chechens  never  agreed  with  the  results of  the  referendum.  They declared  the independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, separately formed their own government, choosing Doku Umarov as the president and Ahmed Zakaev as the minister of Foreign Affairs. It should be noticed that, the independent Chechen Republic of Ichekeria posed a big challenge to Russia and pro Russian Chechnya and always received sympathy from the West. No matter how hard the Russian government tried, by force or by negotiations, the freedom fighters of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria never went on any compromise but full independence of Chechnya from Russia.
Finally in 2007, Russia has still managed, by a cruel trick, to abolish the independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria and transformed it into one of the provinces of the Caucasian Emirate. It is ridiculous, but all this was done with the hand of the Doku Umarov, the “first” freedom fighter of Chechnya and the president of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.
So why Doku Umaorv has conducted this act, why did he betray his nation?  According to the above mentioned authoritative Russian newspapers, Umarov was forced to follow the Russian plan, because his family was abducted by the Russian security forces. Other opinions state that, Doku Umarov made this step, without realizing the basic, cruel idea behind the Caucasian Emirate. Doku Umarov thought that, by creating the Caucasian Emirate and by incorporating there 6 provinces, would be a more effective way to fight the Russian aggression. ”One head is good, but two or more are even better.”

Linking Chechen Freedom Fighters with Terrorists.
The declarations of the Caucasian Emirate clearly demonstrates the rising influence of the non-Chechen rebels, freedom fighters in the Caucasian region. Up until October 31, 2007, the Chechen freedom fighters were all united under the Chechen flag, with the sole reason and enemy, to fight for the independence of Chechnya and liberate it from the Russian occupation.
Incorporating in the Caucasian Emirate the non-Chechen Rebels, meant abandoning the idea of the Chechen independence and widening the spectrum of the enemy. Now not only is Russia the enemy, but the West as well.”All the infidels are the enemies of Allah and the Caucasian Emirate”.
Thus, if in the past, West could have been reluctant about the Russian-Chechen conflict, as Russia was the only enemy for Chechens, now the West already has reasons to worry about. The Caucasian Emirate clearly calls Jihad on the West.
By linking the Chechen freedom fighters with terrorists, Russia has freed its hands to conduct even the most brutal acts towards the Chechen freedom fighter, because now they are associated with terrorists and in the war with terrorists, even the most violent steps are justified. On the other hand, the West can’t anymore retain its sympathy towards the Chechen freedom fighters and criticize Russia for violating their rights. Now they call Jihad on the West and pose a threat to the international peace and security.
Most probably and the recent events have already prove that, the Russian cruel trick will not find its way. The real Chechen people are known for their “free soul” and they will never abandon their fight for the independence of Chechnya. Furthermore, many Chechens in exile have already condemned, including Umarovs’ minister of Foreign Affair, Ahmed Zakaev, declaration of the Caucasian Emirate and the abolishment of the Independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. Zakaev has called Umarov the traitor of the Chechen nation and called on Chechen people to alienate themselves from him and subordinate solely to the Parliament of the Chechen republic of Ichkria (which survived from the elimination). Zakaev is planning to form a new government and restore the abolished independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.
Thus the Chechen freedom fighters and the independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria will cause for long time a big headache to the Russian Federation and maybe one day, they will finally obtain independence as did Bangladesh and Kosovo. As judge Dillard said, “It is not for the territory to choose peoples, but for the peoples to choose the territory”. Even though that, all the above mentioned states came into existence by violating the fundamental principle of the international law, territorial integrity, if law can be violated two times, it can be done so the third time .Why should Chechnya be an exception? After all, they have suffered not any less, if not more, than Kosovo and Bangladesh people.