Tag Archives: New York


A Brief Review of the Current Public Safety Homicide Crisis in Major US Cities – by Giovanni Pisapia

Some major US cities have recorded staggering increases in homicides in the first six months of 2020, if compared with the same period in 2019: some increases range from 25% (Philadelphia) to 85% (Minneapolis). This trend is bringing to light a public safety crisis, revealed by a long-term increase in the number of gang-related recorded shootings and reduction of proactive-policing. Continue reading


Event Safety and Security Risk Update: Stampedes, or Crowd Surge/Rush – By Peter Ashwin and Giovanni Pisapia

Panic and confusion erupted in Central Park on Saturday night (the 29th September 2018), after a loud noise frightened concertgoers at the Global Citizen Festival, with some people erroneously attributing the sound to gunshots. Witnesses described a near-stampede in some places, as people sprinted for cover, jumped fences and trampled one another. Some were in tears and called their loved ones, and others said they had lost items or gotten separated from their friends, according to social medial. But the police quickly refuted reports of a shooting, saying at first that the noise was from a fallen barrier, not gunshots” (Sarah Mervosh, 2018). Continue reading


New York e terroristi Uzbechi nel quadro del jihadismo dell’ex Urss – by Giovanni Giacalone

L’attentato di Halloween a New York torna a far parlare ancora una volta del pericolo proveniente da jihadisti originari di paesi ex membri di quella che era una volta l’Unione Sovietica. L’attentatore, identificato come l’uzbeko Sayfullo Saipov, era giunto negli USA nel 2010 dopo aver vinto la “green card” alla lotteria che ogni anno mette a disposizione 55.000 permessi. Continue reading