Tag Archives: ISIS


“Truck attack” in Nice: initial comments on operational issues – by Maria Alvanou

Bastil Day in France has been marred yesterday night by a deadly attack that has resulted in people getting killed and injured. The numbers of victims continuously rise as this short first commentary is written. A truck crushed into crowds that were out gathered for the celebrations and the driver has been shot dead by the authorities.

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Lo spettacolo nel centro dello spettacolo: l’attacco di Nizza

Ieri sera, intorno alle 22.30, un camion ha investito le centinaia di persone presenti sul lungomare di Nizza per assistere ai fuochi d’artificio del 14 luglio. Nel centro dello spettacolo per le celebrazioni della presa della Bastiglia, la minaccia del terrorismo si fa vedere, anche in maniera evidente, sottolineando il valore comunicativo degli attacchi suicida: non puoi fermare chi vuole ucciderti e in questo caso non puoi fermare un camion lanciato a velocità sulla folla che non può fare altro che fuggire. Continue reading


Italian Foreign Terrorist Fighters: a quantitative analysis of radicalization risk factors – by Alessandro Boncio

The Italian jihadist scene with its fluid profile and features has been analyzed in different occasions by academics and experts. Their publications however, were conducted with a qualitative approach and, apart from some real cases description and analysis, there is a vacuum in the quantitative research that needs to be filled. Continue reading


Dacca: l’atto di fede – by Davide Scotti

I tragici eventi in Bangladesh mostrano il sadismo degli uomini verso altri uomini dove i primi si dichiarano migliori dei secondi per una qualsiasi caratteristica più o meno reale. La scelta della presa di ostaggi e la successiva distinzione tra musulmani e non-musulmani attraverso la recitazione del corano pone ciascun credente di fronte alla scelta di mostrare la propria fede consapevole che l’altro diverso da se sarà soggetto alla morte. Continue reading


Attacco in Bangladesh: le ragioni dell’attacco al bar-ristorante di Dacca – by Alessandro Burato

La situazione in Bangladesh non si è ancora conclusa. L’attacco, perpetrato da un commando islamista che ha fatto irruzione in un bar-ristorante di Dacca, la capitale del Bangladesh, nell’ultimo venerdì di Ramadan è la conseguenza della situazione che interessa la regione obiettivo della penetrazione del Daesh, rafforzato nella propaganda recente, e di una strategia nella scelta di target e modus operandi ormai nota.
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Attack at the Ataturk Airport in Istanbul: a first comment (Attacco a Istanbul) – by Maria. Chr. Alvanou

The double suicide attack tonight at the Ataturk airport in Istanbul came unfortunately as no surprise to those dealing with the assessment of terrorist threats. For months now governments all over the world have put a raised travel advisory on Turkey, because of recent attacks in Istanbul and Ankara. It is a tragedy expected in the campaign of terror that has started for some time now in the country. Continue reading


Knife stabbings: operational advantages and countering options – by Maria Alvanou

Lately in Europe, apart from suicide attacks, it is the knife attacks that have spread death and the seed of fear. In Paris a Muslim perpetrator who attributed his actions to IS (and IS accepted them under its ideological umbrella) entered the home of a police officer and killed both him and his wife (also working in the police), before getting killed by the law enforcement authorities and fortunately before harming the small child of the family. The killer filmed and posted his actions in Facebook. A few months before on a train in Germany another perpetrator attacked passengers with a knife. Although he shouted “Allahu Akbar” the German authorities seem to connect the incident with the perpetrators phychiatric problems and not with a terroristic cause. Shot but also stubbed a dozen times, a young female MP in Leeds died by the hand of an attacker, who appears to be driven by political reasons. The three events show of course no relevance between them and there is still research about their circumstances, as well as about the extend extremism and organized group activity could be behind the killings. Nevertheless, the above stabbings are a good reason to start contemplating on a possible new operational threat: knife attacks. Continue reading


The Importance of Being Local. Framing AQAP’s intra-jihadi Hegemony in Yemen – by Eleonora Ardemagni

In Yemen, the intra-jihadi rivalry between al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and local cells of the so-called Islamic State has been gaining momentum, exacerbated by the ongoing multilayered conflict in the country. Since the beginning of the crisis, jihadi networks were able to capitalize on security vacuum, local resentment against central institutions and the sectarian narrative promoted by Saudi Arabia and Iran as a power politics tool. Notwithstanding escalating “spectacular” attacks against Shia civilians and security/governmental forces, IS didn’t manage to challenge AQAP’s supremacy within the Yemeni jihadi camp so far. Nevertheless, the intra-jihadi rivalry is now on the rise, due to a gradual convergence in operational areas and targets between AQAP and IS. Continue reading