Tag Archives: Pakistan


Terrorist plot in Greece reported to be thwarted: first comments on operational questions – by Maria Chr. Alvanou

Greek law enforcement authorities have announced that they have dismantled a terror network planning to conduct attacks in Greece[1].  According to media reporting on the subject, 2 men of Pakistani origin have been arrested as part of a terror network whose head is also Pakistani organizing the criminal activities from Iran. Continue reading


Pakistan sotto assedio di Tehrek-e-Taliban Pakistan: colpito il quartier generale della polizia a Karachi – G. Giacalone

Venerdì sera una cellula di jihadisti del gruppo Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP, i meglio noti “Talebani pakistani) ha lanciato un attacco suicida contro il quartier generale della polizia di Karachi, un complesso strettamente sorvegliato che ospita dozzine di edifici amministrativi e residenziali. Centinaia di agenti vivono infatti all’interno del compound con le loro famiglie. I suoni di spari ed esplosioni hanno scosso la città pakistana per diverse ore e soltanto in tarda nottata è arrivata la conferma da parte delle autorità locali della fine delle operazioni di “pulizia” che hanno coinvolto polizia, esercito ed anche forze paramilitari. Continue reading


Keeping on connecting the dots, interesting pieces to look at – by Marco Miolino

Interestingly, looking at the bigger picture, something seems to be on the move, quickly, especially within the terrorist constellation, quite striking, when the Caliphate is engaged on different fronts. The Thursday US special forces (Delta force) and Kurdish militias hostages rescue operation in Hawija, showed a clear change (although officially denied) in the US counter-terrorism policy in ME (when Russia seems to getting the regional upper hand, with a diplomatic rhetoric much more focused on jointly fight terrorism), then Aleppo, Raqqa and Ramadi, this time, may all be part of a much more pragmatic action, now that there are troops, Quds (Iran), Russians, Iraqis and Hezbollah (Lebanon), at least, on the ground. Continue reading


Pakistani women and jihad: a new dangerous trend – by Maria Alvanou

Pakistani women and jihad: a new dangerous trend by Maria Alvanou – The recent suicide attack and bombing against the return of Benazir Bhutto have brought Pakistan in the spotlight. Unfortunately this tragic incident highlights the radicalization process taking place in the country. What is quite surprisingly is that the jihadi socialization mechanisms have started to include women too. Radicalized women in Pakistan are increasingly being used by jihadist groups to promote their extremist cause. This year, women from the Jamia Hafsa seminary wearing burqas protested in front of the Lal Masjid (the “Red Mosque”, known for training and funding the holy warriors of the Afghan jihad), seem to be the off start of an alarming and dangerous trend.

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