Category Archives: Security


Hamas attack in Israel: European security perspectives – by Maria Chr. Alvanou

As the world is watching Hamas attacking Israel in an unprecedent violent terrorist campaign within its borders, it is important to understand that the situation is also a security crisis from a European perspective. The following points show why Hamas actions are dangerous for European security and parameters that need attention in order to prevent and manage the threat created:

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Gang o aggruppamenti predatori urbani? – by Giovanni Giacalone

Cosa c’è dietro il fenomeno delle violente aggressioni a scopo di rapina che sta caratterizzando i grandi centri urbani italiani. Negli ultimi mesi si è parlato molto di aggressioni a scopo di rapina, spesso in pieno giorno e in zone centrali delle grandi aree metropolitane italiane e messe in atto da gang e dalle cosiddette “baby-gang”, termine quest’ultimo che come vedremo risulta quanto meno inappropriato se non errato.

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Time to be realistic about Swarmcast2.0 – by Ali Fisher

For all the meetings, presentations and reports from embedded academics and industry groups, purporting to show success against Salafi-Jihadi groups, the movement is still comfortably able to disseminate content through Swarmcast2.0.

The Western metanarrative has long been accepted by the orthodoxy of Terrorism Studies. However, while claims of success resonate at events hosted by industry funded bodies, the challenge encapsulated by Swarmcast2.0 remains. Salafi-Jihadi groups and the media mujahidin maintain persistent networks which function across multiple platforms simultaneously.

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Wagner Digital Ecosystem: what happens after Prigozhin’s Death – By Federico Borgonovo & Giulia Porrino

After the March of Justice, announced on June 23, the evolution of the relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putin and PMC Wagner head Yevgeny Prigozhin was discussed at length. On August 23, exactly two months later, one of the private jets on which Yevgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin, considered his right hand, were traveling crashed en route between Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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Soccer hooliganism episode in Athens: lessons from a security perspective – by Maria Chr. Alvanou

An episode of hooligan violence, with a 22-year-old man dying from multiple stab wounds took place in Athens, Greece, the night before Tuesday’s UEFA Champions League qualifying soccer match between teams AEK (Greece) and visiting Dinamo Zagreb (Croatia).[1] Additionally to one man violently losing his life, there are 8 people injured (Croatian and Greek) and the clashes were especially violent.

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PMC Wagner and Allied Mercenaries, Aftermath of the March by – Federico Borgonovo & Giulia Porrino

During the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, PMC Wagner exploited online and offline support of some military groups, including:

  • Española, a parallel battalion of Russian ultras led by Alexander Shum and with a special training centre near San Petersburg.
  • Rusich, a reconnaissance, sabotage and assault group, directly attached to the PMC Wagner.
  • Serb members, active since the deployment in Syria. Those are linked with several ultras’ communities.
  • Níðhöggr (Nidhogg), a little unit near to the Scandinavian right-wing militia funded by an actual Wagner member.  

All these units were orbiting around the PMC Wagner as embedded support groups. Starting from their online propaganda we theorized a pro-Wagner alliance system (figure 1).

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Gli arresti di nove Latin Kings a Milano: i preoccupanti legami con i leader in Ecuador e la mafia albanese – by Giovanni Giacalone

Il 19 aprile 2023 un’operazione della Polizia di Stato, coordinata dalla Procura di Milano, ha portato all’arresto di nove appartenenti alla pandilla sudamericana “Latin Kings”, fazione “Chicago”, tutti tra i 20 e i 36 anni e accusati di associazione a delinquere, tentato omicidio, lesioni personali, rissa, danneggiamento, furto aggravato e lancio pericoloso di oggetti. Continue reading


Le forze della guerriglia anti regime in Myanmar (parte 2) – by Andrea Castronovo

Intelligence e individuazione dei target militari – Analizzando l’operato di un gruppo di guerriglia urbana a Yangon è emerso come una delle strategie per la raccolta di informazioni, con l’obiettivo di identificare i target delle operazioni, si basi sul network di conoscenze intracomunitarie dei membri della resistenza nei diversi quartieri.  Solitamente, i gruppi di una specifica zona della città sono in grado di individuare sia le persone che lavorano per la giunta sia le persone collegate al partito politico nazionale affiliato ai militari, l’Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP). Continue reading


Le forze della guerriglia anti regime in Myanmar (parte 1) – by Andrea Castronovo

Contesto. In seguito al colpo di stato militare del febbraio 2021, il regime attuò una sistematica campagna di repressione delle manifestazioni pacifiche insorte in tutto il Myanmar. La brutalità dell’esercito spinse centinaia di migliaia di giovani a trasferirsi nei territori di frontiera, controllati dalle organizzazioni politico-armate delle minoranze etniche, per intraprendere degli addestramenti militari di base. Continue reading


La minaccia jihadista lungo la via del cotone – by Luca Cinciripini

La recente visita del Presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni in India segnala non solo il tentativo di scongelare i rapporti diplomatici con Nuova Delhi, ma anche il riconoscimento implicito del ruolo che l’Asia riveste in termini di importanza geopolitica e di scenari futuri.[1] Da lungo tempo ormai, l’Indo-Pacifico e il Mediterraneo allargato stanno sviluppando un collegamento strategico in grado di offrire sia opportunità economiche che di sicurezza, snodandosi a partire dagli attori sul Mare Nostrum (Italia, Egitto, Israele) e coinvolgendo alcuni degli scacchieri geopolitici di maggior rilievo.[2] Continue reading


New Threats from Wagner PMC by – Giulia Porrino & Federico Borgonovo

On 23 November, the European Parliament adopted the resolution defining Russia as a state sponsor and user of terrorist modalities[1]. At the same venue, MEPs asked the EU Council to include the Wagner group and the 141st Motorized Regiment of Chechen fighters, also known as “Kadyrovites”, in the list of terrorist organizations of the European Union, as well as other armed militias. Continue reading