Tag Archives: Terrorism


US multiagency operation dismantled part of al-Qaeda’s cryptocurrency network. What we learned so far and what to expect – by Daniele M. Barone

On August 13, the US Department of Justice announced that the US government, through a multiagency effort, seized about $2 million in Bitcoin from accounts connected to Al Qaeda, Daesh, and the al-Qassam Brigades (i.e. Hamas’s paramilitary arm) and disrupted their terrorism financing cryptocurrency networks. Continue reading


Threat Assessment for Sensitive Buildings against Terrorism in urban environments – by Tiziano Li Piani

The built heritage of European cities is exposed to various hazards of different nature – natural events such as floods or earthquakes but also man-made threats. The escalation of terrorist attacks conducted in urban environments against soft targets necessitates the development of guidelines for the antiterrorism design of buildings and public spaces. Continue reading


Salafi Army of the Nation in Jerusalem Call for Bitcoin to “Equip a Fighter” in Gaza – by Daniele M. Barone

On May 7, for the third consecutive year, a renewed bitcoin crowdfunding campaign surfaced on al-Raya foundation’s Telegram channel, the media outlet of the Salafi Army of the Nation in Jerusalem, a pro-al Qaeda jihadist organization operating in the Gaza Strip.[i] Continue reading


Terrorismo o non Terrorismo? La duplice definizione dello stesso fenomeno – Barbara Lucini

Fino ad ora l’attenzione verso lo studio e l’analisi delle dinamiche comunicative nel contesto di azioni terroristiche considerava la comunicazione, come strumento tipico del terrorismo e del terrorista, utile per essere consapevoli delle strategie utilizzate, comprendere e rintracciare segnali predittivi di fenomeni estremisti ed eversivi. Continue reading


Terrorismo, crimini d’odio, estremismo o…..? – by Barbara Lucini

Definire un fenomeno come terrorismo, crimine d’odio ed estremismo non è mai stato così difficile come in questi ultimi mesi, durante i quali molte incertezze interpretative e di comprensione sono diventate sempre più evidenti, mettendo in luce una necessità non dichiarata e molto sottostimata di nuove categorie interpretative per fenomeni mai così complessi. Continue reading