CounteR Newsletter

Dear Readers,
We proudly present the CounteR Project Newsletter for all those interested in combating radicalisation, violent extremism, and crime prevention!Issue #1 features interviews with prominent CounteR Consortium members:

·        Tobias Mattes, a Senior Researcher at the BayHfoeD Research Institute, explains how CounteR’s ecosystem is being tested to support LEAs in their daily work;

·        The Director of the CEPOLIS Institute, Dr. Holger Nitsch, points out that detecting and preventing radicalisation requires trust-building efforts with communities; and

·        Prof. Marco Lombardi from the ITSTIME Research Centre talks about social and psychological factors and risks, influencing the potential incubators of radicalisation.

Enjoy the full content of the CounteR Project Newsletter’s Issue #1 and we’ll be delighted to receive your feedback.